Microwave Update 2024 Vancouver BC Schedule
Rev 83
Thursday October 3rd
1200 - 1300 Lunch on Your Own
1200 - 1600 Optional TRIUMF Tour (Meet in Lobby)
1630 - 1930 Optional Dinner and Social Mixer
1930 - 2300 Socialize at Summit Bar
Friday October 4th
0730 Registration opens
0815 Dave VE7HR, “Welcome and Announcements”
0830 - 0915 Skip VE6BGT, “My 10 GHz Experiment A Long Ongoing Project”
0900 - 1630 Optional Family Program tour leaves (Meet in Lobby)
0915 - 1000 Paul W1GHZ, “10MHz_Reference_with_GPS_Switch”,
1015 - 1030 Break
1030 - 1100 Jim KM5PO, “Improved Rover Pointing/ 24 GHz QRM - Proximity Alert Devices”
1100 - 1130 am Sam G4DDK, “An Updated VLNA for the 23cm and 13cm Amateur Bands”
1130 - 1215 Lunch
1145 Drop off equipment at Test Lab
1200 - 1800 Test Lab Open
1230 - 1315 Lawrence VA3IQ, “Cyber Security for the Amateur Radio Operator”
1315 - 1400 Don VE6HQ, “Vector Network Analysis: Comparative Benchmark Study of NanoVNA Technology
1400 - 1445 Scott VE7TIL, “An S-band Polarimeter for the Study of Spacecraft Radio Emissions
1445 - 1500 Break
1500 - 1545 Terry W8ZN, “ICOM IC-905 Getting On The Microwaves – Is It The Right Rig for You?”
1545 - 1615 Frank AG6QV, “Microwave Activity in the PNW”
1615 - 1700 Ed NB0M, “Practical Cooling Solutions for Kilowatt Class Amplifiers”
1700 Presentations end
1700 - 1900 Dinner on Your Own
1700 - 1900 Test Lab
1900 - 2100 Trade Fair/Swap meet
2200 - 2300 Socialize at Summit Bar
Saturday October 5th
0730 Registration opens
0815 - 0830 Dave VE7HR, “Welcome and Announcements”
0830 - 0900 Tom WA1MBA, “Getting On the Zero Meter Band”
0900 - 0945 John W7FU, Pablo KI7OJL, Mariana WA7EE, “SDR Experience: PNW Microwave Group"
0930 - 1330 Optional Family Program (Meet in Lobby)
0945 - 1000 Break
1000 - 1045 W1GHZ, “Offset Feeds with Better G/T”
1045 - 1100 N2CEI, Sandra K4SME,"Special Message”
1100 - 1130 Skip VE6BGT, “The G4CCH Controller Project"
1130 - 1230 pm Lunch Break
1230 - 1315 Jim KM5PO, "Wavelab 24 GHz systems”
1315 - 1400 Al W5LUA,“47 GHz XVTR Packaging, Testing Components at 47 GHz & Using a Flyswatter at 47/76 GHz”
1400 - 1445 Bob W7PUA, “Microwave Contacts Using Scattering from Upper-Tropospheric Ice Crystals”
1445 - 1515 Auction & Break
1515 - 1600 Hugh VA3TO, Peter VA3ELE, “47 GHz VUCC in One Week”
1600 - 1645 Neil G4DBN "Manufacturing Microwave Stuff”
1645 - 1700 Dave VE7HR, “Final Conference Announcements”
1700 MUD Conference ends
1700 - 1730 PNWVHFS Business Meeting
1815 - 1900 Cash Bar
1900 - 2100 Banquet, Banquet Speaker Scott Tilley VE7TIL, “Assorted Tales of Monitoring Space from My Backyard”
2100 - 2300 Socialize at Summit Bar